Friday 23 November 2012

Character profiles

Name: Shaunna Davies
Character: Lola Robinson
Age: 17
Character age: 16
Preference of films to watch: Shaunna's favourite film is 'Paul Blart Mall Cop'. Shaunna enjoys comical films.
Studying: Shaunna came to Wyke to study AS Media, AS Film, English Language and Health and Social Care. Shaunna left wyke with four AS grades and moved to Bishop Burton college to study Public Services.
Acting roles: Shaunna played many acting roles as a child and enjoy participating in the drama club were she had a staring role in the play 'Annie' as one of the orphans and had her own lines within the play. Shaunna also stared in 'Alice In Wonderland' as a pansie and also had to learn lines for this. In high school Shaunna had a role within the production of 'Bugsy Malone' and again had to learn a song, a dance and lines for this.

Name: Ben Nelson

Character role: Luca

Age: 16

Character age: 21

Preference of films to watch: Ben enjoys action movies and gangster movies. His favourite films to watch are the Fast and Furious movies.

Studying: Ben attends Endevour high school where he is studying for his GCSE's. Ben has passed both English language and literature with B grades and Maths with a C grade but is working towards his higher grade in maths. Ben took Drama as a GCSE option and is a valued member of the drama club were he has roles in many of the productions, Ben often takes the leading roles. For example he has recently stared as the lead role in the play Bohemian Repsedy.

Acting roles: In year 6 Ben stared as one of the ugly sister in the cinderella play in his primary school. For this role Ben had to learn a lot of lines during his free time and took the title as 'Star of the show' for this performance. In high school Ben grasped the opportunity to join the drama club and has stared in many productions such as 'Bohemian Repsedy' and 'Joseph and the Technicoloured Dreamcoat'.

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