Wednesday 12 December 2012


It’s a cold night in November as the dark nights draw in for the winter snow. It’s 11pm and after a long time revising Lola decides that it’s time for bed before her big exam tomorrow. Lola has been studying for months and one big revision session wouldn’t do any harm, especially if she wants to break the business world like her rich CEO father.

As Lola climbs into bed she feels that sudden sense of uneasiness. Even the clock sounds like a ticking time bomb. Lola closes her eyes and imagines she’s somewhere else. Suddenly out of the dark a hand reaches over and places a cloth soaked in fumes that cause drowsiness, over her face. The world turns black and Lola is alone.

When Lola wakes she’s freezing and scared. Looking around she becomes blinded by the spot lights that shine at her from a distance as she sits in a deserted garage full of implements that could quite easily kill her. Thoughts flood her mind as the door to the garage opens and a tall dark figure appears in the door way.

As time ticks by Lola finds that she’s here due to a deal the kidnapper describes as a ‘deal made with the devil’. Lola becomes ransom and soon realises her father isn’t as she seems and learns of other lies he has once told her. It’s only when Lola is released that Lola must face up to the fact that she is always his way out and must fight her father’s past to make a future, his actions now affect her whole future.

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