Thursday 18 October 2012

Location mise-en-scene

The location of my film sequence will be shot at my house. I have decided to shoot it here as it fits the criteria for my film location and has bedrooms were one of my scenes can be shot.

This is the bedroom where I shot my first and third sequence. In this bedroom there are various posters of teen pop acts therefore adding to the idea that she is a typical teenaged girl.

This is the location of the stairs were Luca walks up to the room to kidnap Lola. This location was easy to film as I didn't use a tracking shot to be able to track Luca's steps up to the room.

These posters were visible in the film and reinforce the idea that Lola is a typical teenaged girl.

These folders were used in the film to reinforce the idea that Lola was in fact revising for her buisness exam. The folers are used in the first scene were Lola talks on the phone to her father.

 This t-shirt was used to reinforce the idea that Lola in fact goes to college. The 'Wyke College' print is both on the front and the back of the t-shirt.


These phones are used in two seperate scenes. The black phone is used in the car scene with Luca talking on the phone and the white phone was used when Lola is on the phone to her father.

These items are used during the last scene when Luca puts the red cloth over Lola's face. I used a red cloth to connotate danger. The spray was used as a visual to show what it was that made Lola fall into a deep sleep.

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