To help me with inspiration I have looked at films that follow my gangster genre. I have also looked at films that follow the theme of abduction and liked the idea of mixing the gangster genre with the theme of abduction. The films I have looked at that follow the gangster genre are Goodfella’s (Martin Scorsese 1990), Reservoir Dogs (Quentin Tarantino 1992). The films I have looked at that follow the theme of abduction are Taken and Abduction. In Reservoir Dogs the scene that was most useful was the ‘Ear scene’ this scene reminded me of a typical gangster movie with violence but with the theme of abduction. I also liked the use of a closed in location as it reflects the feeling of having nowhere to run and being alone, such as the warehouse in Reservoir Dogs. Another piece of text I looked at was the Venetian blind affect, I wanted to use this within my project to give the sense of been trapped an example of this would be in the classic film noir 'Double Indemnity' were an insurances salesman gets lost in the trap of a fem fatal (typical code and convention of film noir).
As producer and director I have thought about issues that could arise. For example in FM1 I had many issues with lighting and location, however for FM3 I have thought about such issues and have decided to use artificial lighting as I am filming at night and lighting would hinder the desired effect of the sequence I am filming. As of location, in FM1 there were issues with the location as it was in a public place and this meant that the shots were disturbed by passers-by. However in FM3 I have chosen a location that will make filming easier as well as being able to have time to set up the sequence. For FM3 I have chosen two locations, the first been a bedroom setting and the second been in an empty warehouse/ garage, I have chosen the bedroom location so that the audience can get to know the protagonist without using a scene to do so, to do this I have to focus mainly on mise-en-scene to tell the audience of the protagonists likes therefore showing her personality. The second location was chosen to create the effect of been trapped in an unfamiliar location, and to create the sense of uneasiness among the audience.
As a part of planning I have considered ways to provoke reactions from the audience. As a part of this planning I have looked at other films which follow the same theme and genre as the sequence I intend to film. The film that helped the most was Reservoir Dogs in the warehouse scene, this scene helped most because the location was similar to the one I am using and I liked the way that the scene made the spectator feel uneasy and had the effect that the spectator wanted to look away, also the scene made the spectator feel uneasy from the start and this added to the feeling of wanting to look away. After analysing this scene for a while I realised that as well as the performance by the actor, the cinematography and editing added to that sense of uneasiness, with slow camera movements at the beginning and faster editing throughout the ‘Stuck in the Middle’ dance routine to show the reaction of the hostage and provoking nature of the antagonist. Throughout the planning process it was clear to see that all I had learnt in AS Film Studies was going to need to be applied to FM3, especially the work of spectatorship as this is what I feel is most important when considering a hostage situation. Although I have to apply knowledge already learnt I do hope to learn a lot more from this project and be able to see how both previous knowledge and new knowledge can be linked and applied to all texts relating to film.
This is video of the 'ear scene' in Reservoir Dogs. In this scene the character uses psychological torture as well as physical torture as a way of getting the young police officer to talk. This makes the audience feel terribly uncomfortable and therefore feel like they can't watch anymore.
In this scene the camera often pans around which shows the empty space around the victim this is done to reflect how alone the victim is and how helpless he feels. It often pans around him in close up, this could be used to reflect how his world is spinning and he has no control over his life at this point because the gangster is in control of what happens to him.
Also in this scene we are show mid-shots, this is to show the audience how the gangster has power over his victim and the victims reaction to the torture he has to endure.
I like the idea of the Venetian blind effect as it gives the impression of been trapped and is often a code and convention of gangster genre.
This is video of the 'ear scene' in Reservoir Dogs. In this scene the character uses psychological torture as well as physical torture as a way of getting the young police officer to talk. This makes the audience feel terribly uncomfortable and therefore feel like they can't watch anymore.
In this scene the camera often pans around which shows the empty space around the victim this is done to reflect how alone the victim is and how helpless he feels. It often pans around him in close up, this could be used to reflect how his world is spinning and he has no control over his life at this point because the gangster is in control of what happens to him.
The close ups in the ear scene make the graphical tourture harder to watch, because we can see it in close up it makes the audience want to look away.
Also in this scene we are show mid-shots, this is to show the audience how the gangster has power over his victim and the victims reaction to the torture he has to endure.
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